
Writeups for CTF Challenges

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Mr. Robot CTF by Ben & Leon Johnson

IP =*
Difficulty: Medium
Machine OS: Linux
Learning Platform:
Finished on: Arch Linux

*Note: IP address may vary.

Brief Description

A Mr. Robot themed machine (I haven’t seen the series itself but I will watch it if I have some time to spare.) which involves getting a foothold in a Wordpress site using the sensitive file we will get on the web server. Without further ado, let’s get started in hacking!


Scoping and Preparation

Connect to Tryhackme OpenVPN Server using:

I used my tool CTFRecon-Go to automate directory creation, port scanning, web directory brute-forcing and adding entry to /etc/hosts file.

    1. git clone && cd CTFRecon-Go
    2. go build . 
    3. sudo ./CTFRecon-Go -d [DIRECTORY_NAME] -p [PLATFORM] -i [IP] -w [WORDLIST_TO_USE_FOR_GOBUSTER] #Platform refers to tryhackme or hackthebox (thm, htb respectively.)

To use CTFRecon-Go if installed using go install:

External Enumeration

Preliminary Enumeration via nmap

Table 1.1: nmap Results Summary

80/tcp open HTTP Apache httpd
443/tcp open SSL/HTTP Apache httpd

Nmap Scan

Nmap result does not give so much information, so we need to proceed to enumerate the web server at port 80 and 443.

Web Enumeration

Webpage Port 443

In the webpage, we can see that there are set of commands that we can use to see how the web server works.

Webpage Source

Looking through the source code, we can see there are some .js files and looking at them does not help me that much because I can’t read javascript files properly.

Webpage Tech

Using wappalyzer, we managed to enumerate the versions of technologies used the web server. The one that stands out is knowing that the webpage is running WordPress!

Content Discovery

By gut feeling, I typed in the URL search bar robots.txt to see if there are some sort of directories we can look at and voila, we found some interesting files.


Files named fsocity.dic and key-1-of-3.txt are listed on robots.txt file. Type that in the URL search bar and download them. (key-1-of-3.txt is the web flag.)

Let’s look inside the contents of the file named fsocity.dic. Just by looking at the file extension, I got some feeling that this file is a dictionary file that we can use for bruteforcing the login in webpage specifically in /wp-login.php. But for the sake of completeness, we will check the contents of the file.

Fsocity.dic file

As shown in the image above, using the file command does not give us anything useful. (if there is something useful, don’t hesitate to tell me. I am still a newbie and keeps on learning!)

Fsocity.dic contents

Looking inside the contents of the file fsocity.dic, it seems like a passwords list. Let’s check how many lines does the file have.

Fsocity.dic line count

Oof, thats a lot of line count to use in a bruteforcing tool such as hydra. But we can check if those lines are duplicate and remove them. We can use the sort command.


Let’s check now if there are improvements for the file.

Fsocity.dic sorted

Phew! That’s a relief! From 800k+ lines to 11k+ lines. We can now try to use this sorted file in a bruteforce tool such as hydra and etc.

Before that, we can navigate through different endpoints in the web server.

Knowing that the webpage is running WordPress, we can check the login page by visiting the endpoint: /wp-login.php.


We have dictionary for possible usernames and passwords for the machine but 11k lines of words will still take long for us to bruteforce. Since it is a Mr. Robot themed box, the name of characters in the series must be one of the username used in the machine. Searching through google, I looked for the characters list.

Mr. Robot Character list

Also by reading the wiki, Elliot Alderson is the main character in the series. Let’s try if elliot is a possible user in the webpage.

Testing username

The login form gives so much verbosity that confirms our guess that elliot is a valid user in the webpage.

There are 2 exploitation paths we can use:

  1. through xmlrpc.php or

  2. bruteforcing the login page at wp-login.php

I used the method 2 because the exploits I found on github are outdated and written in python2 which gives me a lot to troubleshoot. (I am still learning how to code and will try to implement the exploit using Golang.)


We have a username and possible dictionary of usernames and passwords and we also know that the webpage is running WordPress. We can now try to exploit the webpage by bruteforcing the login page in /wp-login.php

Steps to reproduce

  1. Intercept the login HTTP request at /wp-login.php using Burp Suite.

  2. At the bottom of HTTP request, copy the line that looks like login parameters. (ex: log=elliot&pwd=123123123&wp-submit=Log+In&redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fmrrobot.thm%2Fwp-admin%2F&testcookie=1)

  3. Using hydra, we can now try to brute force the login form by using the module https-post-form. I removed the parameter redirect_to and added S as success string for hydra to find if it successfully found the password.


  1. The S string looks for Location header in the HTTP response if it successfully logged in the webpage.

  2. After some time, hydra managed to get the credentials for elliot.

    Elliot's Password

  3. We can now login through the webpage as elliot.

  4. Still we do not have foothold on the internal machine.

  5. I created a .php file contains simple and not malicious code, phpinfo().

    PHPInfo file

  6. We can try to find some upload functionality to test if we can have a shell in the machine.

    Testing Uploads

  7. We tried to upload .php file as media for the post but failed. We can try to confuse the filters and try to upload a .php file.

    Testing uploads 2

  8. Yay! We successfully bypassed the upload filter! But the real question is, will it run?

    Will it run?

  9. Sadly, there is an error on our file, so we need to find another way to have foothold.

  10. Looking at /wp-admin/theme-editor.php, we can edit some code!

  11. Let’s try to edit some templates specifically 404.php which loads when the web server receives HTTP 404 error as response.

    editing 404

  12. But where do we find the templates we just editted? Let’s ask google!

    Where does templates reside?

  13. We now know where it resides and the theme we are editing is named twenty-fifteen. We can guess that the theme resides in /wp-content/themes/twenty-fifteen/404.php

    Testing PoC

  14. Since the edited 404.php file can be executed, we can try to edit again the file so we can gain a shell on the machine.

    RevShell upload

  15. Using PentestMonkey’s php reverse shell, I edited the 404.php to a reverse shell file.

  16. Start a netcat listener at your specified port and navigate to /wp-content/themes/twenty-fifteen/404.php


    • nc -lvnp [PORT]
  17. Reverse shell should pop after navigating to 404.php!

    Web Foothold

Table 1.2: Credentials

Username Password
elliot ER28-0652
robot abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Internal Enumeration

Table 1.3: Checklist for Linux Internal Enumeration

ss -tlnp lists all sockets (-t = tcp) (-l = listening) (-n = numeric) (-p = processes)  
netstat -tulnp    
sudo -l lists all binaries/files/programs the current user has sudo permissions. (might require password)  
find / -type f -user root -perm -u+s 2>/dev/null finds files in / directory that has SUID bit set. If any, consult GTFOBins.  
uname -a prints system information (-a = all)  
whoami && id prints effective userid (EUID) and prints real and effective userid and groupids (GID).  
cat /etc/crontab checks for cron jobs.  

Notes: For more information about the commands look here

Tip: When nothing else makes sense, try to use LinPEAS (winPEAS for windows machines.).

Navigating through the machine, we can see there is python3 binary and also enumerated the users in the machine which has name robot.


Let’s look at the /home/robot directory contents.

Home Contents

Using CrackStation, we managed to retrieve the password for robot user!

Cracked Robot password

Such a simple but long password! We can now move laterally using robot.

Check for sudo

We cannot use sudo as robot.

Privilege Escalation

Using the checklist above, I looked first if there are SUID binaries that we can use for privilege escalation.


We have nmap binary that has SUID permissions! Let’s check out GTFOBins to see if we can use this as a vector for privilege escalation. Which turns out we can!


To elevate our privileges:

  1. Type /usr/local/bin/nmap --interactive.

  2. Then, type: !sh. Since the nmap binary runs as root, we can spawn root shell.



The next two steps are not necessary for completion of the machine but it completes the 5 Phases of Penetration Testing.


Copied the /etc/shadow file for user identification and their passwords.

Added another root user for easy access.

Clearing Tracks

Removed all logs and footprints to to prevent risk of exposure of breach to security administrator.

Status: Finished

Feel free to reach out and if there is something wrong about the above post. Feedbacks are also appreciated! :D

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